Car Shipping services are not restricted to family cars and trucks. Just about any type of vehicle, operational or not, can be taken to a destination via auto transport trailers. Motorcycles, vans, recreational vehicles, pickup trucks, SUVs, construction equipment, military tanks, antique and collectible vehicles, as well as limousines and boats, can all be picked up and delivered as ordered online. Questions regarding practicality, time, cost, and mode of transport will also need to be considered before booking vehicle shipping.
Questions to Ask
People using Car Shipping services for the first time will want to ask themselves a few questions before putting down a deposit. Some should include:
1. Does shipping make sense?
2. Is there enough time to ship the vehicle?
3. What are the cost factors for quotes?
4. What level of protection is needed?
Compare pricing, availability, and services when selecting a company for this task.
Sometimes Shipping Is Easier than Driving
Driving across the country or even up the coast does not always make sense. If a vehicle is leased, for example, there is mileage to consider. Driving that sedan from California to Connecticut will add thousands of miles to the vehicle, but using car hauling services will add zero miles. Relocating in late autumn may not be the best time to be riding motorcycles to Montana. Drive the car and ship the bikes.
Faster to Ship or Drive?
This question is especially important when the trip will mean navigating several big cities. Truckers experienced in Car Shipping know various ways to avoid or quickly traverse city traffic. While individual drivers are all but parked on Rt 93 through Boston, truckers have gotten off one exit and jumped back on at another one way ahead of the traffic jam. They know where they are going, where they should change lanes, and what the highways look like at night. The wait if selecting enclosed transport may also be longer than what is practical as well.
Will Shipping Be Cost-Effective?
A free quote is provided on the website once a short form is completed, but knowing some cost factors can help give customers an idea of the expense. Basic factors include the distance, the make and model of the vehicle, and the time of year. Transport through monsoon season in Arizona or the winter in the Northeast will cost more than car shipping in warm and dry weather.
There are some factors that surprise most people. One is whether the vehicle is operational. If a car is running, getting it on the trailer is fast and easy. A car that does not run must be winched into place, which takes more time and costs more money. It is interesting to note that the destination is a factor. A city destination costs less than a small town because the cities provide easy on and off access to highways and interstate routes.
The Mode of Transportation
Owners can select open trailer transport in two variations or enclosed transport for their vehicles. The most cost-effective way to transport is in an open vehicle trailer, which is often seen on the highway with two or three levels. This is common for ordinary vehicles. These vehicles will be exposed to dirt, grime, and weather just like they were being driven down the same roads.
Owners who do not wish to have any vehicles placed above theirs can pay an additional fee to have vehicles transported on an open, single deck, flatbed trailer. All vehicles are fully insured from the moment they are loaded on the trailer. Learn more at Car Mover Auto Transport.
Enclosed transport is typically used for luxury, antique, collectible, and customized vehicles. The vehicles are loaded via hydraulic life gates and are protected from the elements, dirt, and debris of the road. This mode does cost more, but most of these cars and trucks are worth much more than the transportion costs.
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