Near the tail end of summer, my air conditioner suddenly stopped producing cold air. The air conditioner had been installed 15 years ago by a company that is no longer in business. Since I couldn’t just call the old company and ask them to install a new air conditioner, I had to find another company for an AC installation in NYC. I thought it would have been as simple as it was in the past when I had the old air conditioner installed, but it was much more complicated because although the old company went out of business, there were a lot more that took its place.

Looking through all of the companies that perform air conditioner installations is nothing like in the past, because no one uses phone books anymore. Everything is on the Internet, and there are a lot of search results that come up, and you can spend hours upon hours browsing them until you find the right one. On top of that, there are reviews for the various companies, and it’s not exactly easy to figure out which ones are real and which ones are fake.

I was beginning to become frustrated with my search for a company to do the installation, so I decided to keep things simple. I looked at the companies that were on the first page of the search results and went with the one that had the highest rating. I contacted them and asked them if they could come during the week to install my new air conditioner and they agreed. it took a couple of hours for the full installation, which was way less time than it took for me to find a company to do it. I expect my new air conditioner to last another 15 years before I need a new one.
